
A Hunter who was nursed back to health by Eva during the Red War.
A Risen who associated with Drifter back in the day. Had a falling out with him after she was spotted near Rience.
Uldren Sov resurrected as a Guardian. Spent years being killed by Guardians for Uldren's crimes. Later given Uldren's memories back by Savathun, but still (mostly) considers himself his own person.
Second Hunter Vanguard and friend of Tallulah Fairwind. Delt the poker match that cost Tallulah her life.
The Hunter Vanguard who preceeded Andal Brask. Vanished one day, and his Dare couldn't be located after.
A friend of Shiro's who lost his Ghost to Taniks. Died later while doing a solo job.
A Guardian who was killed by Taniks while the mercenary was hunting Cayde's crew.
A Guardian that was Risen in the Sahara Contested Zone. Concealed her identity as the Red Moon Phantom, eventually drawing the ire of Kandak the Warlord.
Member of the Iron Lords. Likely killed during the first SIVA incident.
A renowned SRL champion and Vanguard scout. Partner of Enoch Bast.