
Praxic Warlock and one of Ikora's most trusted Hidden agents. Investigated the Drifter and hunts down rogue Lightbearers.
A Risen who associated with Drifter back in the day. Had a falling out with him after he was spotted near Rience.
An eccentric Warlock known for her beliefs in fanciful myths.
Former Warlock Vanguard and Vanguard Commander once exiled for his obsession with the Vex.
A skilled bard and member of the Iron Lords. Was killed in the first SIVA incident.
A scholar of the Golden Age and member of the Iron Lords. Was killed in the first SIVA incident.
An older Guardian and a founding member of the Tower Cryptarchy. She specializes in historical research.
Praxic Warlock and lover of Wei Ning. After Wei's death she led a fireteam into the Hellmouth on a failed attempt to kill Crota.
Warlock Vanguard, apprentice and sucessor to Osiris.