
Current curator of the Black Armory. The daughter of one of the Armory's founders, she kept the project alive through the Dark Age and Golden Age.
A Risen who associated with Drifter back in the day. Had a falling out with him after she was spotted near Rience.
A mysterious SRL racer who beat Marcus Ren and didn't stick around to even collect their winnings.
An elderly resident of the City whom Hawthorne helped hang Dawning lanters. Tried to set up Hawthorne with Farrah.
A family member of Mrs. Hasan, likely a granddaughter. Mrs. Hasan tried to set her up with Hawthorne.
A Last City operative stationed on Titan.
Founding member of the Black Armory. Responsible for final tuning of the weapon designs.
Founding member of the Black Armory. Responsible for prototyping the weapon designs. Worked for Clovis Bray before joining the Armory.
Founding member of the Black Armory and mother of Ada. Responsible for initial weapon designs.
Eva's assistant after the Red War.