
Member of the Firebreak order who carried the flame out of the City on her burning mark during the Red War.
Iron Lord who died sealing off Site 6 during the first SIVA crisis. Liked fighting.
Tracker and member of Ikora's Hidden. Sorta maybe her lover?
Died trying to avoid enemy fire in her Cryptarch shuttle.
A member of the Iron Lords. Likely killed during the first SIVA incident.
A Hunter who drew images of Cabal a century before first contact but insisted she wasn't prophetic.
Sharpshooter and member of the Iron Lords. Has spent time with a group of pacifist Guardians.
Sharpshooter and member of the Six Coyotes.
A First Pillar Titan who died in the Cosmodrome. Fought alongside a Defender Titan at one point.
Sunbreaker engineer who built Sunshot & the Sunbracers and fought in Shaxx's sortie at Twilight Gap.