
One of Shaxx's original Redjacks. Has extensive combat knowledge and has picked up many of Shaxx's tics.
Tower Gunsmith with extensive skills. Originally an Exo of Clovis Bray I, his memory is unreliable.
A Tower maintainence frame that was hacked by Calus's psions so that the emperor could communicate with Guardians in the Tower.
Curent leader of the Vanguard and former mentee of Saladin. Seeks to avoid conflict if possible in favor of diplomacy.
Follower of Osiris who discovered founded the Trials of Osiris to study resonances of Guardian deaths. Vanished into the Infinite Forest after the arrival of the Black Fleet.
Lightbearer hailing from the Dark Age. Resents his Ghost. Paranoid but clever, he hides his altruistic side. Created Gambit which initially put him at odds with the Vanguard.
The 8th of his name, Devrim is a scout and militaman who helped protect the City walls. Now he watches over the EDZ and the Farm. Fond of tea and linguistics.
Someone who acted more wolf than human. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to him.