
Reluctant colonist for the Exodus Program. Initially declined but changed her mind briefly before the Exodus Black's launch. Owner of Sturm.
Pilot of the Ares One mission that made contact with the Traveler.
An individual from the MIDA alternate timeline, likely Bernard Strauss.
Patient E of the transmission test who had significant misgivings about the ethics. Given Glory 2.1.
Patient A of the transmission test given Magnificence 2.0 which made her levitate.
Son of Clovis Bray I and father of Alton, Elsie, Ana, and Willa Bray. Suffered from a prion insomnia disease and was uploaded into a failed Exo prototype to attempt to mitigate it.
Dean of Bejing University, parent of Ulysses Qiao.
Director of Centcom, the institution that detected the Traveler's arrival in Sol.
A Golden-Age Russian who taught Vasili how to care for their Khvostov.