A hydra constructed to deduced the Sword Logic, but was later Taken. Puppet of Savathun and architect of the Dreaming City curse and Endless Night.
A hydra submind that was Taken and imprisoned in the Prison of Elders.
Axis mind of the Vault of Glass. Could control the flow of time within the Vault.
Axis mind of the Black Garden.
A powerful minotaur that guarded the Black Garden.
Vex mind coordinating war efforts with the Cabal in Meridian Bay.
A gate lord that predicted the presence of a Guardian (implied to be the Young Wolf) in the Prison of Elders and entered the Prison with the intent to kill them.
A Nexus Mind tasked with machinoforming the Ishtar region of Venus. Rebuilt at least once, and also Taken
A powerful axis mind in the Vault of Glass that commanded the oracles and could reshape reality with them.
An axis mind with the ability to bridge the time stream and restore lost pieces of the Vex network.