
An Arkborn who became one of Calus's Shadows to save her species from him. She disappated during a failed assination attempt on Ghaul.
A vicious Wolf commander known for his guerilla tactics during the Reef Wars.
A gate lord that predicted the presence of a Guardian (implied to be the Young Wolf) in the Prison of Elders and entered the Prison with the intent to kill them.
A great beast living on Fundament tasked with guarding the Worm Gods imprisoned below. Killed by the hive and Worm Gods.
A wizard who commanded flesh and bound ogres to her will. Member of the Court of Oryx.
A Nexus Mind tasked with machinoforming the Ishtar region of Venus. Rebuilt at least once, and also Taken
The weakest of the Worm Gods. Patron diety of Nokris, whom it granted the power of necromancy. After its death, it went to the Taken and bound itself Whisper of the Worm.
A Devils captain that was Taken and then imprisoned in the Prison of Elders.
A powerful axis mind in the Vault of Glass that commanded the oracles and could reshape reality with them.
A being who sacrificed themself to the Hive to save a child. Rended into a weapon.