
Engineer of the Ares One mission apparently the builder of the first iteration of Rasputin.
A Clovis Bray employee who tested snow gear on the Martian north pole.
A submind of the Warmind tasked with monitoring the Cosmodrome during the Golden Age.
Patient D of the transmission test enrolled because he needed the money. Given Fortitude 3.1 which decreased his voice.
Captain of the Exodus Black. The Vex studied him and copied his memories into a harpy.
Magistrate and tyrant of Palamon. Killed by Jaren Ward.
A skilled cryptarch held in high regard by Toland.
Member of the refugee group Shin Malphur traveled with after the destruction of Palamon.
Amanda Holliday's mother. Born in a bunker in the desert then started towards the City when she was 10. Died crossing the Panama Ravine