A Neomuni actor who played Durandal in an adaptation of Raid Invader.
A Vex minotaur in the Grove of Ulan-Tan on Io.
Dean of Bejing University, parent of Ulysses Qiao.
A gate lord that predicted the presence of a Guardian (implied to be the Young Wolf) in the Prison of Elders and entered the Prison with the intent to kill them.
Cayde's love in his past life, who maybe (probably?) is entirely fictitious.
A Fallen servitor in the EDZ, hunted by orders of the Spider.
Minotaur slain by Sjur Eido and later resurrected and Taken
Owl sector operative and geographer.
Likely Awoken they expressed regret at not heeding the Queen's words. Killed by the Hive and rended into a weapon.
A hydra constructed to deduced the Sword Logic, but was later Taken. Puppet of Savathun and architect of the Dreaming City curse and Endless Night.