Ghost of Cayde-6. Killled by the Rifleman in the Prison of Elders.
A sentient gun built by Pahanain after the Vault of Glass, out of fear of being alone.
Scout and fighter who rebelled against City norms and was exiled for it. Worked to protect non-Guardians living outside the City and took in survivors at the Farm.
Patient A of the transmission test given Magnificence 2.0 which made her levitate.
One of Arter Che's school children.
A Tower frame that is dutifully sweeping all the time. May or may not have killed Cabal.
Representative of Tex Mechanica that tried and failed to bribe Lord Shaxx.
A taken Knight that fed on pain while imprisoned in the Prison of Elders. Thirsts for your Light.
Cabal commander of the Skyburners. Lead an assault on the Dreadnaught, where he was Taken and later killed. Bond brother of Valus Tlu'urn and Valus Mau'ual