A Hive Wizard killed by Guardians while coveting a Lucent Moth in the Extraction Lost Sector. Later resurrected by the Ghost Krill, serving as a physician.
A philosopher ostracized for his beliefs that there is a symmetry between the Light and Dark.
Brother of Queen Mara Sov. Deft and capable scout and explorer. Corrupted by Riven and possibly the Black Heart as well. Murderer of Cayde-6. Killed by Petra and the Young Wolf and later resurrected as Crow.
A noble Knight of the Hidden Swarm in the Scarlet Court. He is a son nof Kinox, and the grandson of Crota.
Primus of Calus's army and childhood friend of Caiatl. After the coup she was corrupted by Savathun and killed by Caiatl summoning Xivu-Arath to Torobatl.