
A liutenant and aide of Oryx that wielded a sharp glowing sword. Later Risen as a Lightbearer of Savathun's court and killed by a Guardian fireteam.
Cunning witch-queen of the Hive. Engineered the Dreaming City curse and negotiated the exorcisim of her worm. Died and risen as a Lightbearer, was recently revived after we stopped her plan to steal the Traveler.
Mighty knight that rebelled against Oryx. Oryx was ammused by this and imprisoned him instead of destroying him. Consort of Verok. Risen as a lighbearer in Savathun's court.
The first to chart the Cosmodrome's mountains. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to them.
Lightbearer hailing from the Dark Age. Resents his Ghost. Paranoid but clever, he hides his altruistic side. Created Gambit which initially put him at odds with the Vanguard.
The first weaponsmith of the Iron Banner.
Someone who liked blizzards. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to her.
A teammate of Redrix with rather blueberry-like tendencies
Someone who liked axes. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to her.