Iron Banner

Someone who liked blizzards. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to her.
Someone who liked axes. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to her.
Someone who acted more wolf than human. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to him.
The first to chart the Cosmodrome's mountains. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to them.
The first weaponsmith of the Iron Banner.
Member of the Iron Lords. Likely killed during the first SIVA incident.
Someone who wanted to help Saladin. Implied to be an Iron Lord by dedication of an Iron Banner weapon to her.
A member of the Iron Lords likely killed in the first SIVA incident.
Cunning tatician and member of the Iron Lords. Killed during the first SIVA incident.
Leader and founder of the Iron Lords. Killed during the first SIVA incident.