A Devils captain that was Taken and then imprisoned in the Prison of Elders.
A Nexus Mind tasked with machinoforming the Ishtar region of Venus. Rebuilt at least once, and also Taken
A sterile wizard of the proto-Hive. She betrayed the Osmium Court and the sisters swore vengance against her, chasing her across the stars. Current status unknown.
A sentient gun built by Pahanain after the Vault of Glass, out of fear of being alone.
Savathûn's sleeper agent in Oryx court. Betrayed Savathûn and tried to make tribute to himself. Taken by Oryx as punishment, later attempted to claim the Osmium Throne.
A powerful axis mind in the Vault of Glass that commanded the oracles and could reshape reality with them.
An Arkborn who became one of Calus's Shadows to save her species from him. She disappated during a failed assination attempt on Ghaul.
An intelligent gun that tracks user data and analyzes targets.
A taken knight that infiltrated the Black Garden.
An axis mind with the ability to bridge the time stream and restore lost pieces of the Vex network.