Cunning witch-queen of the Hive. Engineered the Dreaming City curse and negotiated the exorcisim of her worm. Died and risen as a Lightbearer, was recently revived after we stopped her plan to steal the Traveler.
A Taken knight that fought in the Taken War.
Mighty knight that rebelled against Oryx. Oryx was ammused by this and imprisoned him instead of destroying him. Consort of Verok. Risen as a lighbearer in Savathun's court.
One of three flayers deployed to infiltrate a Warmind node in Freehold. Atuned to Solar energy.
Keeper of the World's Grave on Luna.
Powerful ogre tasked with guarding the Traveler shard in the Chamber of Night.
Cunning wizard who hid her death in Gornuk Däl and Zyrok Däl. Member of the Court of Oryx.
An ogre tampered with by Savathûn so that it could only be harmed by cursed thrall. Member of the Court of Oryx.
A Hive knight whose fanboying over Crota endeared him to Oryx. Member of the Court of Oryx.
Daughter of Savathûn and member of the Court of Oryx. Crafted toxic poisons.