
Paladin of the Royal Awoken Guard killed during the Battle of Saturn. Rended into a weapon.
Baron of the House of Wolves. Vied for control of the House after the Ceres Scatter. Latter imprisoned in the Prison of Elders.
A large shank designed to breach and take control of Rasputin's systems.
A loyal vassal of Skolas. Imprisoned during the Reef Wars and later escaped. Sent by Skolas to parlay with the House of Kings.
Cabal statesman and menber of the Praetoriat. Killed by the Fulminator.
A Corsair that lived on Earth with her partner before returning alone to the Reef after Mara's return. Gets injured every three weeks in the Dreaming City time loop
High servitor of the House of Wolves. Destroyed long ago and later rebuilt sometime before the Taken War.
One of the first Wolves to plege allegiance to Queen Mara Sov and one of the first to rebell during Skolas's rebellion.
Once a member of House of Wolves then Dusk. Decided to return to the Reef after he learned Mara was still alive.