
A scholar of the Golden Age and member of the Iron Lords. Was killed in the first SIVA incident.
Third Empyreal Magistrate of the Sunbreakers. She initially had trouble forging her Hammer of Sol.
Owner of the Last Word and killer of Dredgen Yor. Apparently risen as a child. Founded the Shadows of Yor as Dredgen Vale to draw out corrupted Guardians.
A member of the Iron Lords better known as Ashraven. Was killed in the first SIVA incident.
A member of Kabr's fireteam. He escaped the Vault of Glass and was later killed by Dredgen Yor. Satirist travel writer and cephalopod enthusiast.
A Vanguard scout and former teammate of Andal Brask and Cayde-6. Skilled tinkerer and Fallen tracker.
Warlock obsessed with the Sword Logic. Member of Eriana-3's fireteam. Used the Deathsong to transcend death and craft a throne world.
Cunning tatician and member of the Iron Lords. Killed during the first SIVA incident.
Stalwart and stubborn member of the Iron Lords. Killed during the first SIVA incident.
Inventor of Contraverse Hold designed to draw energy from parallel timelines.