Deceased (Implied)

A Golden-Age Russian who owned a Khvostov.
A Clovis Bray employee who tested snow gear on the Martian north pole.
Patient D of the transmission test enrolled because he needed the money. Given Fortitude 3.1 which decreased his voice.
A member of the SIVA development team that had misgivings about the ethics of the project.
A Golden-Age Russian, likely Vasili's commanding officer.
Patient E of the transmission test who had significant misgivings about the ethics. Given Glory 2.1.
Patient C of the transmission test given Splendor 2.6 which increased her strength.
A Golden Age pilot who apparently survived the Collapse. Flew the Shadow Trespass.
A general stationed at the Cosmodrome during the Golden Age. Flew a glider for recreation.
A Golden-Age Russian who taught Vasili how to care for their Khvostov.